Last updated on 2019/09/26

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the last blog that you will ever want to read! Just kidding, hopefully it is not the last one – maybe it should fall somewhere in the middle somewhere. This is a blog dedicated to Engineering in all shapes, forms, and struts. This is a personal endeavor that I am creating with a few goals in mind. As of September, 2019 these goals include:
- Learning more about web technologies. This isn’t a diary – blogs by definition are on the web so just by creating it I am building up my own knowledge around web tech. This will allow me to test technology and build, learn, and grow in an area that I want to learn more about
- Building a professional voice. I am at the point in my career where I have had some wonderful opportunities and worked with some amazing people to create some fantastic products. Typically, I have been comfortable to be behind the scenes but as I grow professionally and get older I have come to realize that I have a voice that can contribute and possibly help both new and seasoned engineers
- Build my writing skills. A lot of very successful authors state that one of the best ways to get better at writing is to write. A lot. What better way to build writing skills than by writing about my day-to-day experiences?
That is enough for a start here. I hope to revisit these goals often to mark some off, add others, and review status of them as I start this journey. Thanks for coming along and reading!
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