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Tag: resume

Boring, Bland Resumes: 3 Simple Ways To Stand Out

Resumes are one of the worst inventions ever.

Not only do you have to look up what special keyboard keys are needed if you want to type the word resumé correctly (stupid accented é!) but there is also that tiny little detail of boiling down who you are as a professional and a person into one or two pages of formatted text.


Could we have come up with a worse system to try and fill a job?

Even online dating profiles are (just barely) better than this. At least there the goal is to sell yourself as a person.

With resumes, you aren’t supposed to include fun pictures of you and your dog, your likes and dislikes, or really much of anything personal.

Five Reasons You Need A Software Development Portfolio

Greetings prospective employee! Thank you for applying for the job opening that we have posted. Let me take a quick glance at your resume. Hmmm. Nice. OK. Good. A little light over there, but looks like some solid strengths over here. Not bad. What else ya got? It is awesome that I read your resume because that means that you made it past the initial weed-out. Now as a hiring manager I am going to set your resume down in a stack of dozens of other very similar resumes and go on about my day. Let’s get on the same page about one thing right now. It is going to be extremely hard for you to impress me or rise about the rest of the crowd just by what you put down on one or two sheets of paper. Sorry to burst your bubble. There are no magic words, images,…