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Tag: machinelearning

Why New Engineers Should Be Realistic About AI and ML

One of the most fulfilling programs that I have had the opportunity to build and work on is a co-op program in conjunction with a local university. This program is a wonderful opportunity for college students to get feet-wet in the real world. Over a period of 6 semesters they work every other semester with a local company. While I cannot speak for other organizations that participate in this program, for the young Engineers that come to work with my team, it truly is work as they are treated like any other teammate in regards to job duties and expectations. This extension of normal business practices extends all the way to the hiring process. These co-ops go through the same hiring practices that we use for any other Engineer on the team. Interview, normal HR onboarding, the usual company meet-and-greet. However, there has been one trend that has been more…