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Remote Work Haiku

Last updated on 2021/10/02

As the pandemic has changed our life- and work-styles, unfortunately some things got dropped like the creation of calm-inducing workplace haiku. No longer! The wonderful world of workplace haiku is back. Please enjoy these remote work moments of zen.

What is better when working from home, full control over the coffee pot or not having to wear pants?

fresh homebrew coffee
video meetings all day
nice not wearing pants


Remote work has provided us all with one of the best executive perks out there: our own personal bathroom!

must work from home now
now comes with the biggest perk
personal bathroom


No more long commutes! More free time! At least there is something positive here…. right? Oh, yeah, still going to work.

a long drive to work
now I walk down the hallway
the commute still sucks


Come on, we have all done it. As long as the work is getting done and the objectives met, what is wrong with watching a little Price Is Right in the middle of the day?

time shifting my tasks
working until late at night
Price Is Right is on


Traditional Japanese haiku are intended to have a seasonal reference, so here it is, your moment of zen!

wake, eat, work, and sleep
the days, months, and seasons change
happy at my house


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