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Thoughts on Engineering. And Coffee. Posts

Enabling Bash On Windows

The command line is awesome. Seriously – if you have only ever used a mouse to navigate a computer then you are missing out. Way back in middle school I had a teacher for an anthropology class. One of the lessons from that class that has stuck with me all these years is how amazing and useful the human thumb is. To illustrate this concept, one day he would have all of the students tape or wrap their thumbs so that they couldn’t use them and then try to complete the school day like that. Let me tell you – it wasn’t easy. That is a little bit like using a computer with only a mouse. Sure – it is useful and handy and all, but you aren’t using all of the tools at your disposal. So let’s un-tape that thumb and set up something amazing on Windows – bash.…

Microsoft Insanity. History Repeats Itself With Windows 11

“The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” Yes, that famous quote. You might think that you know the author of that statement. Some might like to call out the erudite Albert Einstein as the famous oracle here. Yet, through various searches and queries, no official record exists of him stating these words. Go check out the excellent Quote Investigator article about this. No credible link between Einstein and this quote exists. Which brings us to Windows 11. Windows 11 is here. Windows 11 is awesome. Windows 11 is…. Windows 10. I know… insane, right? The official announcement from Microsoft is three days away as I type this. While it hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, the image leaks of the Win11 builds are enough confirmation to start seeing what is going on. No, this isn’t poised as a Windows Vista debacle. It could end up…

Do You Even Process Bro?

Yeah the title sucks. That is what I get for having kids and living with teenagers – the constant meme-driven noise that pervades every aspect of home life. The title is a deviation from an older meme about weightlifting that has been co-opted into a simple question about doing things that seem obvious and common. Things that we should all be doing. Which brings us to the topic at hand. Processes. The thought of building and following a process can unfortunately have some negative connotations. Processes almost always carry overhead and paperwork. They take time. They can be tedious. Yet there are processes all around us in the business world. They are, at a deep level, a means of communication. Of structure. Of collaboration. To an Engineer, a finely tuned process is a thing of beauty. But I digress. While the goal is to argue for processes and the value…

Creating Automatic Audit Information In Relational Databases

Data is awesome. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that having an ability to sift through mounds of data and come up with a specific answer or conclusion is an awesome ability to have. In my experience as a developer, building queries and logic into databases has always been one of my favorite types of development. Linking together disparate pieces of data into something functional and usable is really cool. However, one aspect of data that was drilled into my head as a young Engineer was the ability to audit data. Who did What and When did they do it? Now, years later I find myself building an integrated custom data solution for Product and Project Management, Time Entry, and Product Release Management. So where did I start? With the data of course. The following is a quick crash course in setting up tables and functionality in a…

You Need Organizational Readiness – But You Don’t Know How To Implement It

Let me introduce a new concept to talk about today: Org Readiness It just rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? Org Readiness is a necessary concept that goes hand-in-hand with Engineering. While the concept may be more easily understood in the realm of product Engineering, this really applies to any Engineering discipline. While I write mainly regarding Engineering topics and specifically for Engineers, this topic is not directly for this group. However, indirectly, this is a concept that has a huge bearing on whether the work and effort done by the Engineers has any chance of success within the business. If we were to draw an organizational structure that looked like a target with the Engineering Team sitting smack-dab in the middle of the bullseye then it is a fact that the concept of Org Readiness is not within that center circle. However, it is the connecting tissue that connects…

Creating The Perfect Frankenstein Unicorn Laptop

We all dread that moment. That first blue screen of death. That gentle swelling of a hot battery. That soul-crushing feeling when your partner in work, your daily driver, the device that is your portal to the world has an issue. Yes, I am referring to your work computer. It is one thing to get a new work computer when it is planned. That long and arduous process to check all of the nooks and crannies for long-forgotten files and work. The slow migration of apps from one unit to the next. It is a completely different feeling when frantically scrambling to back everything up while fervently praying to the computer god, Clippy, to just give me a few more minutes before overheating to the point of another attack of the blue screen. Yes, my work laptop is currently dying. The battery is starting to swell and the unit is…

Five Reasons You Need A Software Development Portfolio

Greetings prospective employee! Thank you for applying for the job opening that we have posted. Let me take a quick glance at your resume. Hmmm. Nice. OK. Good. A little light over there, but looks like some solid strengths over here. Not bad. What else ya got? It is awesome that I read your resume because that means that you made it past the initial weed-out. Now as a hiring manager I am going to set your resume down in a stack of dozens of other very similar resumes and go on about my day. Let’s get on the same page about one thing right now. It is going to be extremely hard for you to impress me or rise about the rest of the crowd just by what you put down on one or two sheets of paper. Sorry to burst your bubble. There are no magic words, images,…

You Can’t Use The Corner Of Your Desk For Awesome And Successful Projects

Before reading any further, stop, scoot your chair back, and take a look around. What does your reading environment look like? Where are you right now? Are you at work taking a few minutes to browse the web? Are you outside catching up on some news and reading while enjoying the fresh air? Have you been sitting too long in the bathroom while glued to your phone? Twenty years ago, if you were reading a blog then most likely you would have been tied to a desk somewhere, looking at a big and bulky CRT monitor with an actual trackball inside your mouse. Now, chances are, you are sitting there swiping with a finger on a 6 inch screen with more resolution than that massive CRT monitor had those 20 years ago. Yet even with the change in technology and habits over the past two decades, the concept of a…

You Do NOT Have To Code In Your Spare Time To Be Successful

Recently I saw a comment or a tweet about Engineers and Doctors. This is the type of message that I wish I had the forethought to save somewhere because I keep thinking about it. As a follower of the beg, borrow, or steal philosophy, I have co-opted this idea into my own, but it is always best to give credit to the originator. In this case, I did not save it so I don’t have that information, so I apologize in advance, random internet person. Anyways, the message went something like this (as I recall in my own words): Why are Engineers always getting asked what side projects they are working on? Why is there an expectation that a good Engineer always needs to be working on work outside of work? We don’t ask Doctors if they perform surgeries on their days off or over weekend breaks, so why is…