Last updated on 2019/10/01

It is time I added this final category topic. Way back in the intro to the # category topics I mentioned that I wanted to provide an area to give new Engineers advice. Welcome to #EngineerAdvice. For any new Engineers first you need to know that working in a professional setting is new, different, and often hard. There are unwritten rules to follow, your responsibilities are greater, and the challenges are different than what you have experienced in the past. While in school or training you are responsibly for yourself and your knowledge. Sure – you may work on some smaller teams and share some responsibility but now you are working for an organization and you are just one piece of the puzzle. There are minefields around working with other humans, office politics, and project expectations that you will have to learn about and navigate.
The fist and primary thing to remember here is to just relax. Any halfway decent organization should realize that you are a new Engineer and give you some room to explore these topics without the pressure to be perfect at them. Hopefully they are also providing a mentor to build your knowledge and experience faster. My goal here is to supplement this Engineer and organizational knowledge. I am not going to try and help you understand some interesting interface or unique code function. YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) on these topics and I don’t know what tech you will be using. However, general business practices and people interactions are often very similar across technologies, organizations, and teams. That is what this category is targeted at.
In here we will talk about everything from how you dress to where you park. A big focus will be on setting yourself up for success. How do you write a resume that will stand out in a technical field? What do you need to do during an interview to really show yourself off?
So welcome to #EngineerAdvice! It is my hope that these topics will help someone, somewhere navigate and succeed as an Engineer and work to make the world a better place. Just like #EngineeringMgmt is focused on building the best engineering tools, methods, and processes, where we want to learn to pull the pieces that make the most sense for my team and my organization, not everything here may be applicable to you and you may gain value from these posts in ways that I don’t intend. That is great! Take these ideas and make them your own and make them work for you! But hey…..

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