Think back to the last time you met someone new.
The circumstances may end up dictating the conversation – if you are on a sinking boat you probably won’t stop to chat with the person next to you while you are both trying to stay afloat.
However, in many social situations, meeting a new person often goes something like this:
“Hey, Kevin, I would like you to meet my [insert one of the following: friend/co-worker/teammate/acquaintance/random person I just met], so-and-so.”
“Hi, so-and-so! How are you?”
“I’m good. Thanks for asking. So…. what do you do for a living?”
It may not always happen that quickly and it may be asked in different forms, but thinking back over meeting new humans in my lifetime that question comes up a lot.
Which begs an even greater question: why do we insist on defining new people that we meet by their jobs?