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Month: March 2020

Forget Emotional Intelligence – Give Me People Skilled In Situational Intelligence

We have all come to know and love Emotional Intelligence. Just in case you have been living under a rock for the past few years, emotional intelligence is the capacity to manage your own emotions as well as recognize and understand emotions in others. I am not knocking Emotional Intelligence. It seems to be an incredibly popular buzzword and there are plenty of articles out there discussing this topic. Practicing these skills as a manager is important, and I do believe in it. I am just tired of every time some CEO makes a decision a companion article pops up describing how that decision reflected his vast reservoir of Emotional Intelligence. My writings encompass a constant quest to define what steps I can take to practice lifelong continuous improvement in my life and career. Part of this effort includes defining what it really means to be an Engineer as a…

To Truly Understand The Cost Of Something, Learn How To Measure It

Kids do not understand the true value of money. To be honest, most adults don’t understand it well either. Society has dictated that we use a form of currency to exchange effort for value that we in turn give to someone else for something that we deem as an equivalent value. Here is a quick exercise to try sometime. Try and explain to a child what the real value of money actually is. Yes, it is simple to explain that we give a $20 to the nice cashier and they allow us to take the shiny new toy home. Yet, to a 5 year old, the concept of money as a unit of value does not compute. They have no ability to understand what is involved in trading money for goods and services. They have no concept to differentiate between a quarter and a $100 bill. Even with this lack…

Bugs Haiku

No software is ever perfect. Bugs always exist. Software Engineers do their best to minimize bugs as much as possible, but sometimes we just have issues that we have to deal with in software. To commemorate the ubiquitous bug, here are a collection of buggy software haiku for your reading edification. Enjoy! bug in the softwareteeny, tiny, little bugthe server is down-KW beautiful designlots of features and buttonsone bug, sad user-KW big presentationlots of executives thereapplication crash-KW developer wishjust one day without a bugmaybe then happy-KW someday when bugs pastI will walk outside againin daylight, no moon-KW my task list is fullI have ninety-nine problemsand they are all bugs-KW

The Best Engineer Is A Lazy Engineer

Who wouldn’t want to be a couch potato for a living? Imaging, the overstuffed cushions, and piles of blankets and pillows. The softness of the sweatpants. The collection of remote controls arrayed around the empty bottles and bags of chips on the coffee table right in front of you. As fun as it may sound on the surface, many people would have a hard time actually enjoying this lifestyle. Yet the description above certainly checks all of the boxes for the Hollywood definition of the word “lazy”. This image is highly contradictory against the backdrop of a busy office and the flurry of activity around a hardworking and focused Engineer. These two images could not be further apart in terms of activity levels but the people at the center of these two scenes actually have a lot of things in common. The best Engineers excel at being efficient. They achieve…

Using Rick and Morty To Solve An Agile Estimation Dilemma

Agile is great. Agile is wonderful. Agile is the savior of all things related to Software Engineering. On paper. In practice, classic Agile is difficult, confusing, frustrating, and just downright hard to implement. Because of knowing that many people would argue the preceding statement, we need some contextualization here. Therefore, a clarified statement reads: At a small company with less than 10 software developers and a handful of hardware engineers, where the projects change constantly and the number of people working on any single project can change from week to week, classic Agile is difficult, confusing, frustrating, and just downright hard to implement. Some aspects of Agile are awesome for small teams at small companies. This is doubly true when the current projects closely follow the needs and opportunities for the business. Smaller companies do not have the luxury of buffers between the Engineers and the opportunities. Often new opportunities require…